Jendrik Peters

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"Every day you decide anew, what kind of person you will be."
Viktor Frankl

Jendrik Peters

Jendrik is a Entrepreneur, Trainer, Consultant, Lecturer, Team Developer, Coach and CEO

Collaboration in the team, organizational processes, work organization, potential development, decision-making processes, agile projects and leadership, experience-based learning and intercultural communication processes.

As part of his many years of experience as a manager, trainer, consultant and team developer in various corporate contexts, Jendrik Peters developed a transcultural and systemic competence, which he brings to the consulting and support of his training groups and clients.

Experiences with intercultural teams, projects abroad, groups with a variety of educational backgrounds and participants from more than 30 countries let Jendrik Peters calmly and consciously deal with group dynamics and individual challenges. In achieving the common goal, he helps to gain new perspectives, to define new ways and to implement the following steps. In the process, he works respectfully and encouragingly with his counterpart.

Through a professional conception and against the background of a large variety of methods, he is anxious to flexibly implement the needs of his participants and coaches and to make solutions and learning experiences tangible.

In addition to his didactic expertise, Jendrik Peters has a very motivating, dynamic and inspiring consultant personality.

“Kopf frei im Schulalltag!”, AOL-Verlag (2019)
“Perfekter geht’s nicht!”, AOL-Verlag (2018)
“Lob dich selbst, wenn’s schon kein anderer tut!”, AOL-Verlag (2017)


Founder of the Kipaji Group
Lecturer at the brand academy
Lecturer at the coachingakademie
Freelance Team Developer and Coach in the economic, school and non-profit context


Studied psychology, industrial
engineering and physics
Trainer and Trainer Instructor (AIESEC e.V.)
Team Developer (AIESEC e.V.)
Systemic Coach,
Organizational Developer, Mediator (die
Lumina Spark Practitioner (Lumina Learning)
continuous development


German and English